Thursday, February 15, 2007
Sign Up Today To Kick My Ass In Fantasy Baseball!

Why is this relevant to this blog?
Because I am the Billy Beane of Fantasy Baseball.
Care to prove me wrong? Then join me in SporTech Matter's Fantasy Baseball League. JD has laid down the proverbial gauntlet. And I have answered.
If you're interested in joining his league and going up against SporTech Matter and the Miami Sports Dude (among others), click here to sign up. Tell em the Dude sent ya!
UPDATE 3: League has filled up.
Labels: Fantasy Baseball
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Hey now. I'm no pussy. Just not into fantasy sports. I have a life (ie I'm not a fantasy geek). I know you're just egging me on so I can join. I still love you, Dude (even if Tim Hardaway disaproves of platonic love between a blogger and his long-time reader). No dice. Nice try :)
Good luck Dude!
Good luck Dude!
Cliff: Damn. You got me. I was trying to egg you on. And I love you too. Go Heat.
Rojo: Nice Office Space ref.
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Rojo: Nice Office Space ref.
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